We operate a whistleblowing hotline, providing a confidential platform for staff members and external parties to report concerns or incidents across a wide range of areas, including compliance, HR, and ESG. The hotline allows individuals to report anonymously and in multiple languages. We also enforce a non-retaliation policy so that individuals can bring forth concerns without fear of negative consequences.
We promote the hotline in various ways, including in-office posters and during the onboarding process for external employees.
All reports are sent to Datatec for visibility before being allocated to Westcon-Comstor’s Compliance Officer to investigate. This ensures Datatec leadership are aware of reports that have been filed.
Most incidents reported in the last few years have been HR-related.
We also operate an ‘Investigation Protocol’ which regulates how investigations are carried out and who can conduct them. In doing so, we ensure incidents and suspicions are investigated by colleagues who are independent.
To ensure colleagues are aware of our reporting tools, we run periodic awareness campaigns. The tools are also mentioned in different training modules that we deliver, such as in our annual ethics training and our security awareness training.