Partner Success. It’s what we do.
At Comstor we’ve designed a packed schedule of quarterly activities that have been created to support you with profitable Cisco business.
Our expert teams are 100% focussed on Cisco for highly specialised support, product expertise, and enhanced value in every Cisco architecture. Select your focus and book activity for maximum value!
Follow the links to the Comstor calendar for all date and registration details on all our activity.
Enhance your business with Splunk
As the first Cisco distributor to offer Splunk, Comstor helps you leverage both platforms to provide robust monitoring and analysis solutions.
The addition of Splunk aligns well with Cisco’s Observability, AI and security offerings.
To get started with Splunk contact your Comstor Account Manager
Capitalise on AWS
Leverage Cisco and AWS to build integrated hybrid cloud solutions. Comstor are the first distributor to provide DSOR/CPPO offers to new and existing partners.
This helps you build business in this rapidly growing market through a new channel ($85b expected revenue through cloud marketplaces in Fiscal year 2028 - Canalys).

Understand our scope and plans for creating a sustainable future with our Partners via our latest Responsible Business Report:
"Standing at the core of the ecosystem, we recognise our responsibility to manage the economic, environmental, and social impacts of our actions.
Our strategy focuses on being a Responsible Business to ensure success - bridging gaps between partners and vendors to achieve shared sustainability goals."
David Grant CEO at Westcon-Comstor