AWS CPPO & DSOR Marketplace Guide
Differences in the four CPPO & DSOR transactions types

Both CPPO & DSOR are AWS marketplace transaction types
DSOR = Designated Seller of Record – Westcon creates the AWS offer
CPPO = Consulting Partner Private Offer – ISV creates the AWS offer
AWS customers on an EDP (Enterprise Discount Program) or PPA (Private Pricing Agreement) can consume up to 25% of that commitment buying 3rd party software & services via the AWS marketplace
Note: AWS Marketplace now supports AUD

Westcon CPPO Transaction process Non-Westcon AWS billing customer

Westcon CPPO Vendors (APAC)
Benefit to end customer:
- Consume EDP/PPA for software & services up to 25% of total EDP/PPA
- Existing supplier procurement
- Easily accept standard or custom EULA
Benefit to reseller:
- $6k CEI for if it is AWS Greenfield end customer & $5k+ deal size
Benefit to Westcon:
- Reps retire quota on ISV margin as normal
Benefit to AWS:
- Reps retire quota on Checkpoint Cisco, F5, Palo Alto
Benefit to ISV:
- Reps retire quota in most cases

Westcon CPPO Transaction process Westcon AWS billing customer

Westcon CPPO Vendors (APAC)
Benefit to end customer:
- Consume EDP/PPA for software & services up to 25% of total EDP/PPA
- Existing supplier procurement
- Easily accept standard or custom EULA
Benefit to reseller:
- Full transaction size, not just margin
- $6k CEI for if it is AWS Greenfield end customer & $5k+ deal size
Benefit to Westcon:
- Reps retire quota on ISV margin as normal
Benefit to AWS:
- Reps retire quota on Checkpoint Cisco, F5, Palo Alto
Benefit to ISV:
- Reps retire quota in most cases

Westcon DSOR Transaction process Non-Westcon AWS billing customer

Westcon DSOR Vendors (ANZ only)
Benefit to end customer:
- Consume EDP/PPA for software & services up to 25% of total EDP/PPA
- Existing supplier procurement
- Easily accept standard or custom EULA
Benefit to reseller:
- $6k CEI for AWS Greenfield end customer & $5k+ deal size
Benefit to Westcon:
- Reps retire quota on ISV margin as normal
Benefit to AWS:
- Reps retire quota on Checkpoint Cisco, F5, Palo Alto
Benefit to ISV:
- Reps retire quota in most cases

Westcon DSOR Transaction process Westcon AWS billing customer

Westcon DSOR Vendors (ANZ only)
Benefit to end customer:
- Consume EDP/PPA for software & services up to 25% of total EDP/PPA
- Existing supplier procurement
- Easily accept standard or custom EULA
Benefit to reseller:
- Full transaction size, not just margin
- $6k CEI for AWS Greenfield end customer & $5k+ deal size
Benefit to Westcon:
- Reps retire quota on ISV margin as normal
Benefit to AWS:
- Reps retire quota on Checkpoint Cisco, F5, Palo Alto
Benefit to ISV:
- Reps retire quota in most cases